Claypot Chicken Rice 瓦煲鸡饭

Chicken-250gm, Rice-1bowl, Water-1bowl, Oyster Sauce-1tbsp, Sesame Oil-2tbsp, Pepper Powder-2tsp, Ginger-3 slices, Spring onion-1 bunch, Chili–2 pcs, Dark Soy Sauce-1 tbsp

1. Marinate the chicken with oyster sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper powder, and ginger for 10 minutes.
2. Cut the spring onion and chili into segments.
3. Put the rice and water in the claypot, set the heat level of the Hi-light stove at 4, and cook for 10 minutes.
4. Add the marinated chicken to the rice in the claypot and continue cooking for 15 minutes.
5. Finally, sprinkle with the spring onions and chili before serving.


1. 用蚝油、麻油、酱油、黑酱油、胡椒粉和姜将鸡肉腌制10分钟。
2. 把葱和辣椒切段。
3. 把米和水放入瓦煲,使用Hi-light,设定4号火,煮10分钟。
3. 把腌制好的肉放入刚刚煲好的饭里继续煮15分钟。
4. 最后撒上葱花和辣椒即可。

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