Healthy Sweet Potato Dessert 红薯汤

Ingredients: Sweet Potato-100 gm, Red Dates-6 pcs, Brown Sugar-1 tablespoon, Hot Water-400 ml


1. Steam the sweet potato for 30 minutes.

2. Put the steamed sweet potato, red dates, brown sugar and hot water in the e-Processor, set at speed 2 and blend for 3 minutes. Ready to serve.


每天可喝到美味又养颜的汤料是每个人梦寐以求的, 今天就使用养生调理机在短时间调理出这美味的红薯汤吧!

材料:蕃薯-100 gm、红枣-6 颗、红糖-1 汤匙、热水-400 ml


1. 将蕃薯放入蒸炉,蒸至30分钟。

2. 把蒸熟的蕃薯、红枣、红糖及热水放入养生调理机内,设定2号打至3分钟即可食用。

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